


Chagas, Paulo C. 2021. Zwischen Klängen und Apparaten: Zur Theorie und Praxis der elektronischen Musik. Remscheid: Rediroma-Verlag. 271p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2014. Unsayable Music: Six Essays on Music Semiotics, Electroacoustic and Digital Music. Leuven: Leuven University Press. 278p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 1979. Luciano Gallet via Mário de Andrade: 1º momento: possibilidades. Rio de Janeiro: Funarte, 186p.

Edited Books

Chagas, Paulo C., and Cecilia Wu (eds.). 2021. Sounds from Within: Phenomenology and Practice. Numanities – Arts and Humanities in Progress, vol. 18. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.. 252p.

Chagas, Paulo C., Hans-Ulrich Werner 2014. Montage. Collage. Komposition. Siegen: Universität Siegen. 202p.

Chagas, Paulo C., Hans-Ulrich Werner 2012. Digital Composition: Von der Klangregie elektronischer Musik zur intermedialen Ästhetik bei Paulo C. Chagas. MuK 190/191. Siegen: Universität Siegen. 200p.

Book Chapters

Chagas, Paulo C., and Carrascoza, Cássia. 2023. “With Love: Electroacoustic, Audiovisual, and Telematic Music”. Music in the AI Era. Editors: M. Aramaki, K. Hirata, T. Kitahara, R. Kronland-Martinet, S. Ystad, S. New York: Springer International Publishing [in press].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2022. “Music and Affect: Self, Sound, Embodiment, and the Music of Feldman and Xenakis”. Music as Cultural Heritage and Novelty. Numanities – Arts and Humanities in Progress. Editor: Oana Andreica. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland,p. 83-110.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2022. “Imaginações Sonoras, imersão audiovisual e telemática”. Escrita, som, imagem: natureza em foco. Vol. 3. Editors: C. A. P. de Figueiredo, C. N. de Lima, E. L. de L. Reis, T. F. N. Diniz. Belo Horizonte [MG]: Fino Traço, p. 65-86.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2022. “Электроакустическая и аудиовизуальная композиция в творчестве Кефалиди.” Парафразис: Композитор Игорь Кефалиди : сборник статей и материалов. Editors: В. В. Задерацкий, К. В. Зенкин. Moscow: Научно-издательский центр «Московская коисерватория», p.67-82.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2021. “Sonido y verdad: nociones para comprender el paradigma electroacústico.” Perspectivas actuales en la creación y el análisis de la música electroacústica. Editors: D. Quaranta and M. C. Lima. Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, p. 41-53.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2021. ”A terceira margem e o virtual: A criatividade artistica do pós-humano”. Pesquisa em Arte, Mídias e Tecnologia. Editors: R. C. D. dos Santos, M. Carneiro and D. Rossetti. Rio Branco (AC): Stricto Sensu Editora, p. 13-28.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2021. “Sound, Truth, and Paradigm”. Sounds from Within: Phenomenology and Practice. Editors P. C. Chagas and Cecilia Wu. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, p. 1-28. 3- 030- 72507- 5_1

Chagas, Paulo C. 2020. “Revolt and Ambivalence: Music, Torture and Absurdity in the Digital Oratorio The Refrigerator.” Estudos Latino-Americanos sobre Musica. Editor J. Albornoz. Curitiba: Editora Artemis, p.1-19. DOI 10.37572/EdArt_1491009201.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2018. “Revolt and Ambivalence: Music, Torture and Absurdity in the Digital Oratorio The Refrigerator.” A/R/T/ography: SoundArt, RadioArt, MediaArt. Editors: H. U. Werner and P. C. Chagas. Siegen: Universität Siegen, 25p [In press].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2018. Studio für Elektronische Musik des Westdeutschen Rundfunks: Ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Geräte.” A/R/T/ography: SoundArt, RadioArt, MediaArt. Editors: H. U. Werner and P. C. Chagas. Siegen: Universität Siegen, 29p [In press].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2017. “Revolt and Ambivalence: Music, Torture and Absurdity in the Digital Oratorio The Refrigerator.” Bridging People and Sound. CMMR 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 10525. Editors M. Aramaki, R. Kronland-Martinet and S. Ystad. Springer, Cham, p. 331-46.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2016. “Observar o inobservável: Música e tortura no oratório digital A Geladeira.” Com som. Sem som … Liberdades políticas, liberdades poéticas. Editors: H. Valente and S. L. Pereira. São Paulo: Letra e Voz, p. 251-81.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2015. “Musical Understanding: Wittgenstein, Ethics, and Aesthetics.” Music, Analysis, Experience: New Perspectives in Musical Semiotics. Editors: C. Maeder, C. and M. Reybrouck,. Leuven: Leuven University Press, p. 115-33.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2014. “Audiovisual and Multimedia Composition: Understanding the Connections between Acoustic and Visual Media.” Music and Technologies 2. Editor: D. Kučinskas. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 11-22.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2014. “Die kybernetische Zirkularität in der elektronischen Komposition: Projektion 12-kanalige elektronische Musik und Projektion als 12-kanalige Klanginstallation.” Montage Collage Komposition. MuK 195/196. Editors: Editors: H. U. Werner and P. C. Chagas. Siegen: Universität Siegen, p. 105-34.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2014. “Einleitung – Einladung.” Montage Collage Komposition. MuK 195/196. Editors: Editors: H. U. Werner and P. C. Chagas. Siegen: Universität Siegen, p. 9-12.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2013. “Sound, Temporality, and Affect in Chopin: Analyzing Nocturne Op. 27 No. 1 Through Spectral Semiotics.” Music: Function and Value. Proceedings from the 11th International Congress on Musical Signification. Editors: T. Malecka and M. Pawlowska. Krákow: Akademia Muzyczna; Musica Iagellonica, p. 268-80.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2012. “Audiovisuelle und multimediale Komposition: zum Verhältnis zwischen Medium und Form mit einem Überblick zu meinen Werken (1984-2008).” Digital Composition: Von der Klangregie elektronischer Musik zur intermedialen Ästhetik bei Paulo C. Chagas. MuK 190/191. Editors: H. U. Werner and P. C. Chagas. Siegen: Universität Siegen, p. 101-52.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2012. “Der Pluralistische Raum: die Produktion des Studios für Elektronische Musik des WDR in den 90er Jahren. Eine Einführung und Dokumentation.” Teile I, II, III. Digital Composition: Von der Klangregie elektronischer Musik zur intermedialen Ästhetik bei Paulo C. Chagas. MuK 190/191. Editors: H. U. Werner and P. C. Chagas. Siegen: Universität Siegen, p. 45-100.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2012. “Der bodenlose Klang: Von ‘Elektronische Musik’ zur ‘Digital Composition’”. Digital Composition: Von der Klangregie elektronischer Musik zur intermedialen Ästhetik bei Paulo C. Chagas. MuK 190/191. Editors: H. U. Werner and P. C. Chagas. Siegen: Universität Siegen, p. 13-29.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2011. “Gilberto e Willy: Ética e Estética.” O Brasil dos Gilbertos. Notas sobre o pensamento (musical) brasileiro. Editors: H. Valente and R. Santhiago. São Paulo: Letra e Voz, p. 129-43.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2010. “Spectral Semiotics: Sound as Enacted Experience. A phenomenological Approach to Temporality in Sound and Music.” Before and After Music. Proceedings from the 10th International Congress of the International Project on Musical Signification. Acta Semiotica Fennica XXXVII. Editors: L. Navickaite-Martinelli. Vilnius; Helsinki: Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre; Umweb Publications, p. 117-26.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2009. “Pulsierende Knoten: Vom Studio für Elektronische Musik zu neuen Modellen musikalischer Kreativität.” Medien. Kreativität. Interdisziplinarität. MuK 176/177. Editors: H. U. Werner and R. Lankau. Siegen: Universität Siegen, p. 53-107.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2009. ”Linguagem e formas de vida: Wittgenstein e a compreensão musical.” Anais dos Encontros de Musicologia de Ribeirão Preto. 2003 – Linguagem & Linguagens. 2005 – Interfaces luso-afro-brasileiras. Editors: M. C. de Castro and R. R. Ricciardi. Ribeirão Preto: Funpec-Editora, p. 116-26.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2006. “Virtuality and Metadesign: Sound Art in the Age of Connectivity.” Music, Meaning, and Media. Acta Semiotica Fennica XXV. Approaches to Musical Semiotics 11. Editors: Erkki Pekkilä et al. Helsinki: International Semiotics Institute, p. 137-53.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2006. “Game and dialogue: Composing with machinery”. Music and the Arts. Acta Semiotica Fennica XXIII (Approaches to Musical Semiotics 10). Editors: Eero Tarasti. Helsinki: International Semiotics Institute, p. 157-70.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2004. “Klangraum als intertextuelle Situation. Gedanken über die Uraufführung von Visionsraum.” Wechselwirkung. Internationales Interaktionslabor Göttelborn. Editors: J. Birringer, et al. Quierschied-Göttelborn: IKS IndustrieKultur Saar, p. 21-23.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2003. ”Virtualität und Metadesign. Die Klangkunst im Zeitalter ihrer Vernetzbarkeit.” VirtuReal Soundscapes Teil 1: Variationen auf Virtual Audio. MuK 147/148. Editors: G. Schmedes, et al.  Siegen: Universität Siegen, p. 84-114.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2003. “Information and Polyphony: Spectral and temporal transformation in the motets of Josquin des Prez.” Musical Semiotics Revisited, Acta Semiotica Fennica XV. Approaches to Musical Semiotics 4. Editors: Eero Tarasti. Helsinki: International Semiotics Institute, p. 411-21.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2002. “Spiel und Dialog: das Komponieren mit Apparaten.” Elektroakustische Musik. Handbuch der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert Band 5. Editors: Elena Ungeheuer. Laaber: Laaber Verlag, p. 182-96.

Journal Articles

Chagas, Paulo C. 2022. “Electroacoustic and Audiovisual Composition in the Work of Igor Kefalidis.” Journal of Moscow Conservatory13 (2): 368-381.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2020. “Migration, Melancholy, and Identity in the Context of Isolation.” MusiMid 1 (2): 132-141. [accessed October 1, 2021]

Chagas, Paulo C. 2020. “Migration, melancolia e identidade no contexto do isolamento.” MusiMid 1 (2): 142-153. [accessed October 1, 2021]

Chagas, Paulo C. and Heloísa de A. D. Valente,. 2020. “Editor’s Introduction – Musical Signification: Themes and Approaches.” MusiMid1 (1): 7-10. [accessed October 1, 2020].

Chagas, Paulo C. and Heloísa de A. D. Valente. 2020. “Editorial – Sobre a significação musical: Temas e aproximações.” MusiMid 1 (1): 3-6. [accessed October 1, 2021] [accessed October 1, 2020].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2019. “Som e verdade: pesquisa interdisciplinar em som e composição musical.” Revista da Tulha 5/ (2): 107-32. [accessed October 1, 2021].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2016. “Mirrors of Melancholy: Lourenço on Music and Musical Understanding”. Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia (Portuguese Journal of Musicology), 34p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2015. “Mirror of Death”. Art Review 29, 51p. [accessed June 19, 2017]

Chagas, Paulo C. 2014. “Creativity with Apparatuses: from Chamber Music to Telematic Dialog”. Flusser Studies 17, 15p [accessed March 29, 2016]

Chagas, Paulo C. 2013. “Musical Imagination: Sound and Image in Telematic Dialogue.” Art Review 24, 13p [accessed August 1, 2013]

Chagas, Paulo C. 2008. “Composition in Circular Sound Space: Migration 12-channel electronic music (1995-97).” Organised Sound 13.3, p. 189-98.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2008. “A Música de Câmara Telemática: A Metáfora de Flusser e o Universo da Música Eletroacústica”. Revista Ghrebh 11, 21p [accessed August 1, 2013].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2006. The Blindness Paradigm: the Invisibility and Visibility of the Body.” Contemporary Music Review 25.1/2, p. 119-30.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2005. “Polyphony and embodiment: a critical approach of the theory of autopoiesis.” Trans – Revista Transcultural de Musica: 9, 34p. [accessed February 13, 2016].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2001. “Die Zukunftt des Elektronischen Studios: Die künstlerische Herausforderung.” MusikTexte 88, p. 17-19.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2000. “Paradoxien der Elektronischen Musik oder wozu braucht man das Elektronische Studio.” Mitteilungen DEGEM 38, p. 31-33.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2000. “Der Pluralistische Raum: die Produktion des Studios für Elektronische Musik des WDR in den 90er Jahren. Eine Einführung und Dokumentation. Teil III.” Mitteilungen DEGEM 37, p. 30-36.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2000. “Der Pluralistische Raum: die Produktion des Studios für Elektronische Musik des WDR in den 90er Jahren.  Eine Einführung und Dokumentation.Teil II.” Mitteilungen DEGEM 36, p. 44-51.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2000. “Der Pluralistische Raum: die Produktion des Studios für Elektronische Musik des WDR in den 90er Jahren.  Eine Einführung und Dokumentation. Teil I.” Mitteilungen DEGEM 35, p. 27-31.

Chagas, Paulo C. 1992. “Le MIDI et la musique électronique. Quelques remarques esthétiques et techniques.” Revue Informatique et Statistique dans les Sciences Humaines 28: 1-4, p. 15-28.

Chagas, Paulo C. 1992. “A Invenção do Jogo: ‘Santos Football Music’ de Gilberto Mendes.” Revista Música. Vol 3.1, p. 70-81.

Conferences and Symposia

Chagas, Paulo C, and Cássia Carrascoza. 2021. “With Love: Electroacoustic, Audiovisual, and Telematic Music. Proceedings of the 15thInternational Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR). Lecture Notes in Computer Science Editors: Hirata, Kejii, S.. Tojo, and T. Kitahara [accepted] 10.p.

Paulo C. Chagas. 2019. "Som e verdade: pesquisa interdisciplinar em som e composição musical". Anais do VIII Encontro de Musicologia de Ribeirão Preto [8th Meeting of Musicology of Ribeirão Preto]. University of São Paulo (USP), Ribeirão Preto, Music Department. August 23, 2019. 20p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2018. “Som, Espaço e Afeto: Fenomenologia e Pscicoacústica. Notas Preliminares”. Anais do 14º Encontro Internacional de Música e Mídia: Compassos, passos, espaços. Os lugares da música. 12p. [Accessed September 20, 2019.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2018. “Self, No-Self, and the Experience of the Living: An Enactive Approach of Sound, Space and Affect”. Proceedings of the XVIth International Congress on Musical Signification. Gheorghe Dima Academy of Music, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. 12p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2016. “Migração, Melancolia e Identidade”. Anais do 12º Encontro Internacional de Música e Mídia: Viver sua música. 10p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2016. “Revolt and Ambivalence: Music, Torture and Absurdity in the Digital Oratorio The Refrigerator.” Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research. Editors: M. Aramaki, R. Kornland-Martinet, S. Ystad. 253-269 (17p). [Accessed July 24, 2016]

Chagas, Paulo C. 2014. “Tortura e Transcendência: Notas Preliminares sobre A Geladeira”. Anais do 10º Encontro Internacional de Música e Mídia: Liberdades políticas, liberdades poéticas. 20p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2013. “Som, Linguagem e Significado Musical.” Anais do 9º Encontro de Música e Mídia, 31p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2013. “A compreensão musical: Wittgenstein, ética e estética.” Anais do III Encontro Internacional de Teoria e Análise Musical. São Paulo: ECA-USP, 16p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2013. “Wittgenstein and Musical Understanding: Self-Reference and Forms of Life.” E-Proceedings of the XIIth International Congress on Musical Signification. Editors: In M. Reybrouck, C. Maeder, A. Helbo and E. Tarasti. Louvain-la-Neuve: Université Catolique de Louvain, 2013. 57-63 [usb driver], 11p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2010. “Musical Imagination: Sound and Image in Telematic Dialogue.” Música de/para. Anais do 6º Encontro de Músic e Mídia. Editors: Editors: H. de A. Duarte and R. Santiago. São Paulo: Letra e Voz. [CD-ROM], 13p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2009. “Os nós pulsantes: do estúdio de música eletrônica aos modelos emergentes de criatividade musical.” E(s)téticas do Som: Textos e Debates. Anais do 5º Encontro de Músic e Mídia. Editors: H. de A. Duarte and R. Santiago. São Paulo: Realejo Livros e Edições. [CD-ROM], 34p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2008. “Gilberto e Willy: ética e estética.” O Brasil dos Gilbertos. Anais do 4º Encontro de Músic e Mídia. Editors: H. de A. Duarte. Santos: Realejo Livros e Edições. [CD-ROM], 12p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2007. “Podcast como Mídia de Criação.” Anais do 3º Encontro de Música e Mídia. Santos, Brazil, 2007 [CD-ROM], 11p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2007. “Polyphony and Technology in Interdisciplinary Composition.” 11th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music. São Paulo: IME/ECA, 2007. 47-58.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2004. “Understanding Music Through Gesture and Interdisciplinarity.”
10th Doctoral and Post-doctoral Seminar on Musical Semiotics. Imatra, Finland,10p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2004. “Musical Gesture, Technology and Interdisciplinarity.” 7th Subtle Technologies Symposium. Toronto, Canada, 11p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2003. “Linguagem e formas de vida. A questão da compreensão musical a partir de Wittgenstein.” 1st International Meeting of Musicology. Ribeirão Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 09/04/2003. University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, 10p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2003. ”Gesture in Electroacoustic Music: Vocal, Instrumental and Technological.” International Conference: ‘Music and Gesture’. University of East Anglia, Norwich, U.K, 14p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2003. ”La distinction entre médium et forme: une nouvelle approche de la sémiotique musicale.” Proceedings of the Tenth Journées d’Informatique Musicale.  Montbéliard, France: École Nationale de Musique, 12p.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2003. ”Virtuality and Metadesign. The Sound Art in the Age of Connectivity.” Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Symposium on Arts and Technology. New London, CT: Connecticut College, p. 24-35.

Chagas, Paulo C. 1995. ”Tradition und Technologie: ‘Aboio’. Ein Beitrag zur Integration der Vokaltechniken der traditionellen Musiken in der zeitgenössischen Musik.” International Symposium Musica Chorali 2000. Luxembourg: Institut Européen de Chant Choral, p. 7.

Articles in Books:

Chagas, Paulo C. and Cecilia Wu. 2021. “Introduction: Transcending from Within”. Sounds from Within: Phenomenology and Practice. Editors P. C. Chagas and Cecilia Wu. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, p. v-vi.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2019. “Prefácio.” Os Quartetos de Cordas de Villa-Lobos: Forma e Função. Paulo de Tarso Sales. São Paulo: Edusp, p. 9-11.

Musicological Editions:

Chagas, Paulo C. 2011. Ogum – Suíte sobre temas negro-brasileiros (1929) chamber music by Luciano Gallet. São Paulo: Editora Criadores do Brasil, 40p. [Musicological revision of the original manuscript and first edition of the score].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2009. Dança Brasileira (1925) music for orchestra by Luciano Gallet. São Paulo: Editora Criadores do Brasil, 18p. large format [Musicological revision of the original manuscript and first edition of the score].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2007. Tango Batuque (1918) music for orchestra by Luciano Gallet. São Paulo: Editora Criadores do Brasil, 15p. large format [Musicological revision of the original manuscript and first edition of the score].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2006. Suíte Bucólica (1920) music for orchestra by Luciano Gallet. São Paulo: Editora Criadores do Brasil, 61p. large format [Musicological revision of the original manuscript and first edition of the score].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2006. Turuna: Suíte Brasileira (1925-26) chamber music (clarinet, violin, viola, percussion) by Luciano Gallet. São Paulo: Editora Criadores do Brasil, 34p. [Musicological revision of the original manuscript and first edition of the score]

Other Publications

Chagas, Paulo C. 2016. “Segeln im Meer der Kreativität: Gilberto Mendes (1922-2016)”. MusikTexte 148, p. 95-6, 2p

Chagas, Paulo C. 2016. “Gilberto Mendes 1922-2016): Sailing in the Ocean of Creativity”, 2p. [accessed March 28, 2016].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2013. “Notes on Artistic Autonomy”. Interaktionslabor.16p. [Interview-Dialogue with Johannes Birringer] [accessed August 1, 2013].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2009. “Die Naivität eines Kinds. Pousseur und die humanistischen Quellen der Kreativität.” MusikTexte 121, p. 63-65.

Chagas, Paulo C. 2008. “Corpo, Carne e Espírito: a digital oratorio.” Interaktionslabor. 6p. [Article about my own composition Corpo, Carne e Espírito [Body, Flesh and Spirit]] [accessed August 1, 2013].

Chagas, Paulo C. 2008. Music by Gallet, Mendelssohn-Bartholdy and Berlioz. 4p. [Program notes for the concert of the São Paulo Symphony State Orchestra (OSESP) at the Sala São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, December 6, 7, 8, 2008]

Book Reviews

Chagas, Paulo C. Rev. of “Guillaume Du Fay. Musik des 15. Jahrhunderts” by Peter Gülke. Forum Musikbibliothek 26.4 (2005): 443-5.

Chagas, Paulo C. Rev. of “Musiktheorie. Handbuch der Systematischen Musikwissenschaft; 2”. Ed. by Helga de la Motte-Haber, et al. Forum Musikbibliothek 26.4 (2005): 437-441.

Chagas, Paulo C. Rev. of “Leoninus musicus und der Magnus liber organi” by Rudolf Flotzinger. Forum Musikbibliothek 26.3 (2005): 326-9.

Chagas, Paulo C. Rev. of “Musikästhetik. Handbuch der Systematischen Musikwissenschaft; 1”. Ed by Helga de la Motte-Haber. Forum Musikbibliothek 26.2 (2005): 226-9.

Chagas, Paulo C. “Handbuch der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert”. Revs. of “Klangkunst. Tönende Objekte und klingende Räume. Handbuch der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert; 12”. Ed. by Helga de la Motte-Habber; and “Musik multimedial – Filmmusik, Videoclip, Ferhsehen. Handbuch der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert; 11”. Ed. by Josef Kloppenburg; and “Elektroakustische Musik. Handbuch der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert; 5”. Ed. by Elena Ungeheuer; and “Musical. Das unterhaltende Genre. Handbuch der Musik im 20. Jahrhundert; 6”. Ed. by Armin Geraths, et al. Forum Musikbibliothek 24.3 (2003): 335-41.

Chagas, Paulo C. Rev. of “Signs of Music: A Guide to Musical Semiotics” by Eero Tarasti. Die Musikforschung 56 (2003): 472-4.

Chagas, Paulo C. “Musik und Bedeutung: die Entstehung  einer neuen Disziplin”. Rev. of “Signs of Music: A Guide to Musical Semiotics” by Eero Tarasti. Forum Musikbibliothek 24.1 (2003): 78-82.

Chagas, Paulo C. “Die Beobachtung des Klangs”. Rev. of “Die Lehre von den Tonempfindungen” by Hermann von Helmholtz. Forum Musikbibliothek 24.1 (2003): 69-73.

Chagas, Paulo C. Rev. of “Signs of Music: A Guide to Musical Semiotics” by Eero Tarasti. Journal of Music and Meaning 1 (2003).

Chagas, Paulo C. Rev. of ”Composing Music with Computers” by Eduardo Reck Miranda. Forum Musikbibliothek 23.4 (2002): 535-539.